However there is a weakness in the heart of the film and it was disappointing that there was not more humanity and emotional debate delivered as part of this. These problems can be avoided though with the use of the alternative versions and this leaves an engaging and interesting sci-fi with all the visual and stylistic strengths you would expect from the genre. Of course the problems still remained in this delivery but it is hard to explain how bad the English dub is without sounding like some fanboy who has to have everything the way it was originally or all the toys come out the pram! However when you listen to the measured delivery of the original dialogue, it is hard not to wince at the childishly simple delivery of the actors who themselves aren't helped by the fact that the dialogue they are delivering is so clunky and cheap (play the subtitles at the same time and you'll see what I mean). I made it 15 minutes into the film before bailing over to Japanese and subtitles. It doesn't help that the English dub is badly written dialogue that is poorly delivered. It lacks a debate and I must confess that I was left rather cold by it at times the ideas were all well and good for food for thought but I wanted more to engage me.
#Ghost in the shell 1995 cover full
The plot stands up well within the context of the sci-fi world and is full of interesting themes and ideas but for all it has in genre staples it lacks in real humanity and heart. The animation was superb and still stands up well over a decade later it looks fresh and if anything it is interesting to see how it has influenced mainstream sci-fi's since. All of these are present and I was drawn into the world of this future visually as well as narratively. This is mainly used well to deliver the type of strengths I expect from the genre specifically those being action, impressive universes, cool effects and striking animation. Fortunately this isn't how it played out and the sci-fi plot is well established in a future of biomechanical upgrades and cyborgs. Watching the first few minutes of this film (where the Major strips off) had me thinking that this was going to be just what I feared. I have gotten it into my head that modern Magna tends to be all about big machines, extreme violence and naked, large-chested women, so I tend not to have followed it for many, many years and instead have limited myself to those films from years ago. Overall, amazing, one of the best of its kind.
I can understand why some may be underwhelmed by the ending, first time I saw Ghost in the Shell I was, but now I don't have a problem with it, and even if I did it would not stop me from loving this film any less than I do. The story is unique and compelling right from the start to the end, the characters engage and the voice work(more in the subbed rather than dubbed version) is very dynamic. The script is one that really makes you think, it's a very ambitious and thoughtful one with its scientific and philosophical elements. The score is one of all-time favourites, I love music(especially film music, classical and opera) and from the enchanting melodies and vocals Ghost in the Shell is no exception, really drawing you in. The animation is breathtaking to watch, ethereal, fluid and very detailed. In fact Ghost in the Shell is not just one of the finest anime films not to have Studio Ghibli's name on it, but also ever. I very much enjoy and appreciate anime, and Ghost in the Shell is no exception.